Baby Weight Calculator

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Below this page, you can also find the answers for frequently asked questions about this subject.
Baby Weight Calculator
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What is baby weight?

The weight of human baby in kilograms.

How much weight should a newborn baby weigh?

The newborns, who are only a few days old, weigh 3.2 kg on average. However, values between 2.4 kg and 3.7 kg are accepted as normal for girls all over the world. Males are born with an average weight of 3.3 kg. However, values between 2.5 kg and 3.9 kg are considered normal for men worldwide.

How much weight should a newborn baby gain per month?

It is recommended that the weight of the babies be monitored weekly for the first 3 months after birth and monthly after this period. Since the baby's development rate will change over time, it will be useful to monitor the weight of the baby close to the world averages that are considered healthy every month. Using our calculation tool, you can easily calculate what your baby's weight should be based on.

What does the baby weight calculation tool do?

It is very important to follow the weights for the healthy development of babies. With the help of our calculation tool you can follow up your weight monthly. Weighing is also possible for those under 14 weeks. This way, you can be sure that your baby's development is going right, you can avoid loss of time in case of illness by applying specialist help if you think it is necessary.

How much weight should a 3 month old baby weigh?

3-month-old girls should weigh an average of 5.8 kg. However, values between 4.5 kg and 6.6 kg are considered healthy. The average age of 3 months is 6.4 kg. However, weights between 5.0 kg and 7.2 kg are considered suitable.

What should be the 4-month baby weight?

The average weight of 4-month-old girls is 6.4 kg. However, weights between 5.0 kg and 7.3 kg are considered normal. 4-month-old men weighed on average 7.0 kg. However, weights between 5.6 kg and 7.8 kg are considered as normal.

What weight should 5-month-old babies weigh?

5-month-old girls weigh an average of 6.9 kg. However, all values between 5.4 kg and 7.8 kg are considered healthy. 5 month old male babies weigh 7.5 kg on average. However, all weights between 6.0 kg and 8.4 kg are considered suitable.

What should be the weight of 6 month old babies?

On average, 6-month-old girls weigh 7.3 kg. However, values between 5.7 kg and 8.2 kg are considered normal for 6-month-old girls. 6-month-old males weighed 7.9 kg on average. However, all values between 6.4 kg and 8.8 kg are considered reasonable for 6 months old men.